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The primary functions of every government is to render essential services to her citizens. One of the most important characteristics of a state, is one that has a definite territory and clear boundaries. Okwa and Okwangwo are located in Buentsebe ward in Boki LGA of Cross River State, Nigeria. They are law abiding citizens and also pay their TAXES.

The QUESTION is why are they not benefiting from the National cake? Since the creation of National park, they have been a major contributor to the state and even national economy. There's no Federal Ministry of Environment without Cross River National park, and there will be no Cross River National park without Okwangwo division. Okwangwo and Okwa are key players in the protection of wildlife and other natural resources. They front the United nations Agenda in the fight against CLIMATE CHANGE.

In doing all of these, they deserve better, they deserve quality EDUCATION, ACCESSIBLE ROADS AND GOOD MEDICAL CLINIC THAT'S ALL. women die every day during child birth because of lack of MEDICAL CLINICs, children are denied  immunizations because personnel's can't afford to take the roads stress. These issues see children die every day.

Please we're calling on the government to please perform her duties and SAVE A LIFE. Government is constituted by God, so please perform your functions to avoid blood in your hands.


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Hi, I,m Pospi Otuson. A Nigerian Blogger, Social Entrepreneur and Convener of the renowned Boki Business Conference. CEO/Founder of Possibility Desk, the largest online consulting platform for possibilities in the world.

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