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By Mercy Esamah | Ikom, Cross River

Do you know that every human in life goes through life challenges, some small, some great and capable of knocking anyone down? The issue here is not about the challenges of life we all go through, but how we react and handle those challenges when they come.

Many times people lose their bottle and tend to withdraw from their lives pursuit and purpose because of the seeming circumstances surrounding it's fulfillment. Just know that it's not just about you but the many destinies tied to yours that if you give up now you are not just giving up on yourself but on nations and generations that could be birthed from you. 

That is the many reason you should strive to redefine your life and vision and get busy with fulfilling your purpose, because if you fail to do you have deprived so many destinies from equally being fulfilled.

Yes I know it may not be easy holding on. I can relate with such feeling. Sometimes the weight of the challenges of life is so heavy on us that we just feel 'that's it' 'I can't take this anymore'. They are moments in our lives when we come to a cross road and don't even know what else to do.  

They are moments of pains, tears, disappointments, setbacks, delays etc we face in our lives. But know that those experiences are not there to break us but to mold us. They happen to build us and help us scale through the entire process to success. No wonder Robert Schuller puts it this way ' Tough times never last, but tough people do' You are stronger than that situation and you will definitely pull through if you don't give up. God will not let you to face what you can't bear and overcome (1 Corinthians 10:13). Remember it is in our darkest moments that God's light shines so bright.

Do you know that they are people wishing that you throw in the towel so they can take your place? The day you give up you have just made them succeed in their evil scheme. That are no two you in the whole of this world. The day you step out, you have robbed the world of tapping from a great potential like you.  

It's okay to make mistakes, it's okay to fall but don't remain fallen. Rise up and be all you were created to be. Because many lives are dependent on you. They are praying for you as their destiny helper. Please for their sake don't give up. 

When I receive testimonies from so many people who are blessed by me fulfilling my purpose I remain grateful and fulfilled. I ask myself 'what if I had given up so I would have deprived these people of these blessings and the strength to fulfill their own purpose?. 

You could be the reason someone is still holding on. Don't disappoint them. You can't afford to fail them, you can't afford to fail yourself, and most importantly you can't afford to fail God. Keep pushing. You are very close to the light. 

I explicitly shared my personal story of holding on in the toughest of time in my book '31 Daily Nuggets for A Victorious Life' you can get yours HERE

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About Author

Hi, I,m Pospi Otuson. A Nigerian Blogger, Social Entrepreneur and Convener of the renowned Boki Business Conference. CEO/Founder of Possibility Desk, the largest online consulting platform for possibilities in the world.

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